Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Fun!

I've been having fun visiting other blogs looking at Christmas decor, so I figured I might as well do a little post on our decorations too.

Our main tree has been jewel tones for a few years. The tree itself is a hand me down from my mom. Growing up we always had a real tree but once all the kids moved out of the house she got this fake one. I like the real tree smell, but I am a total fake tree girl now. I like being able to bend & twist the branches to fit the ornaments I want to hang.

Something I want to try next year is adding ribbon & garland to our tree. My mom never used it so I never thought to use it on my own tree. After seeing so many pretty beribboned trees the past couple years I really want to do it myself!

This is Kira's pink tree. I got it last year for $5, how could I pass up a deal like that!? It has turquoise bulbs, cupcakes, candies and other girlie stuff . I stuck her fluffiest pink tutu under the turquoise sequin tree skirt...not my idea but I'm so glad I saw it!

Next is my bedroom tree. A couple years ago we were staying at my mom's house while she lived in a different house, and we ended up with an extra tree. So I took all the red & green ornaments off our main tree and put them on the 2nd tree. So ever since then we've had a jewel tone tree and a "traditional" green & red tree. This tree holds my special Mickey Mouse ornaments that I don't want to see smashed into a million pieces.

This post has taken me two days to complete so I'll just leave it off there. If I get a chance to blog our main tree I will...