Thursday, May 6, 2010

I've been a bad blogger, but that's because not a whole lotta has been going on around here. Life is pretty much what I can do between feeding Kira. I did get a paper bag album finished last week, that was an accomplishment! I'm working on two custom books right now that are both going to be super girly.

Kira is getting big way too fast. I feel like she's not even a newborn anymore! The fact that she's my last baby ever is always on my radar. I want her to stay tiny but I guess babies just don't work that way. She loves to sleep on her tummy which freaks me out. They've made such a big deal about tummy sleeping and sids it makes me think she can't lay like that for very long and I have to stare at her while she's doing it to make sure nothing happens. She's wearing a 3-6 month size onesie right now and it's not even that big on her.

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