Friday, October 29, 2010

busy busy busy

Sometimes I feel like such a failure as a woman because I can't ever manage to get the house as clean as I want, there's always laundry to be done, I have so many craft projects & scrap projects that are "works in progress"...there's just never enough hours in the day! I'm hoping in a few years when my kids are in school I'll feel like I have a better handle on it all. Right now, they both require almost all my attention....actually they could take 100% of my attention if I let them! Riley would love it if I just played with him all day and Kira would love it if I held her constantly and never put her down. But there's so much stuff that needs to be done to keep a house going. Cleaning cleaning cleaning and then there's "deep cleaning".

It's a big job and can be overwhelming but I do feel so lucky to have the life I do. I am unbelievably blessed with two children. After I lost Aiden I never thought I'd have a baby. A healthy baby, that is. Then I got my Riley. After him, I didn't dare dream for another. I had a miscarriage, then my beautiful Kira came along. If I was guaranteed a smooth pregnancy and delivery and money were no object I'd love to have one more, but I honestly am so happy and grateful to have the two that I do. There are many ladies out there who want to be moms and are waiting and my heart just breaks for them. I wish everyone who really truly wanted to be a parent would have the chance. It would also be nice if people who have no business having kids could be prevented from doing so. Amber from Teen Mom comes to mind here.

Monday, October 25, 2010

riley roo

Riley Scott age 3 and 7 months

This young man is growing up way too fast.
At three years old he is reading, just little words now but he actually READS THEM, it freaks me out! Wherever we go he reads signs and asks me "what does that mean"? He's at the stage where you have to watch what words you use...not meaning profanity, I mean synonyms! The other day I said I was writing a letter, and he said "Like ABCs are letters?" That type of thing.
He has a little keyboard that used to belong to my little brother. I showed him how to play "Keep Trying" from the Yo Gabba Gabba show. I only had to show him 2 or 3 times before he remembered what keys to play. I know they say kids are sponges but holy mackeral it's TRUE! I love that he's so smart but I was not ready for him to be so smart so soon. It seems like he went from infant to preschooler, there was no "toddler" phase!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Beatles vs Glee

I do love me some Glee. This season hasn't been as good as the first one, but it's still early. The Britney/Brittney episode was a big ol waste of time, I know that! Anyways, the other day I read that Glee has broken the Beatle's record for having the most singles on the Billboard Hot 100. This makes me sad. As much as I do love Glee, they're not the Beatles! They're not a band, they don't sing original music, they're not on the radio. A musical tv show should not be allowed on the same chart as bands or individual artists. When Billboard first started, they didn't know there was going to be such a thing as an iPod where you can buy any song you want anytime you want. So they need to make a new chart for shows & movies like Glee and High School Musical and Camp Rock...those guys can compete against each other and the Beatles can have their place back. Everyone's happy! And singin!

love you guys....

but these guys were here first ♥♥♥

Thursday, October 14, 2010

halloween past

Halloween '09 Captain America (i like how he adjusted the mask)

2008 my little lion cub

i went as Dorothy so we could match

2007 he was Mickey Mouse and this is the only picture I can find of him...

This year will bee a family effort!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

{almost} wordless wednesday

Riley and "his baby"

Kira got her hands on a fry at McDonald's and was not giving it back for anything!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Kelly Osbourne

I think the first time I ever saw her on Mtv was when they did "Cribs", and she had pink hair and a room I would have loved. I think. Anyways I have been loving her style lately! She has always been a big risk taker when it comes to fashion but it seems since she was on Dancing with the Stars she's gone on a GLAMOROUS kick, and I can't get enough.

image via socialite life

her Emmy dress was gorge

image via socialite life

Saturday, October 2, 2010

costume choices

For the last few years we have wanted to do a family theme costume thing for Halloween but it hasn't worked out for one reason or another. This year I think we're finally going to make it happen. The idea is for Riley and me to be Bees, Kira will be a Flower and Scott is the Beekeeper. So now I'm trying to figure out if I want Kira to have a bunting type costume or a tutu type costume or try to come up with something totally different. Here's what I'm looking at...

the bunting one

tutu type

from etsy

this one's cute too, i like the red petals

from amazon