Tuesday, January 20, 2009

change is good!

I just finished watching the Inauguration like the rest of the world, and I am pumped! Go Obama! I'm not really sure what the next 4-8 years is going to bring, but I'm hopeful that it's going to be great! And I think alot of other people are in the same frame of mind...I do think lots of people thinking the same thing at once can make things happen. So we'll see...
In honor of our new Prez here's a bunch of col Etsy Obama stuff!

Cool custom painted sneakers by Dune Shoes, and they're less than $100!

Will Cakespy ever run out of clever ideas?!?!?

I'm really into Blythe, and I'm glad she's into Obama too! This print is by La Petite Pomme Frite. What a cute shop name!

I like this t-shirt because it's pink and brown :) From Outside of the Box.

This cool t is from Robot Luv's shop

The whole First Family! They're even dressed in the outfits they wore on Election Night. How cute is that. By Anthea Art!

O Balm ah! I dig the wordplay! by Theme Fragrance

This bag is so awesome and so out of my price range! It's at MABeL Handbags.

In case you were wondering, this painting by PAPERtoCANVAS is the most expensive Obama item on etsy as of 11:11 (make a wish!)am AZ time January 20, 2009.

Here's to the future!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for finding
    O*BALMah balm!
    xoxox themefragrance.com
