Sunday, January 18, 2009

Weird Vintage Valentines

I was looking on Google for vintage Valentine images for a project I had an idea for. There are lots of cute ones out there, but there's also some really weird ones that make you scratch your head.
I guess there was a time when chicks liked being complimented on their hats?

This person was really reaching...maybe a farmer would love to get this.

I beg your pardon!

So this one is basically insulting and threatening the person it's being given too...and there's a black eye involved...the finishing touch is the "valentine" part is in parenthesis! The person drawing this card needed to find a different line of work.

Sounds kinda gross given that she's holding a giant fork.

More violence! Or maybe people weren't as freaked out by it as we are today. It is a tad excessive to have him holding a gun AND a club.

Seriously, who was approving these things?

DO NOT send this to your vegetarian friends!

Nothing says love like a tire.

And with that, I'll say have a great week!


  1. LMAO!!! Those were quite interesting to say the least!! Where do you find this stuff!! LOL

  2. Those vintage Valentines are all so cute. I love vintage/retro cards!

    Have a great day!


  3. What are you saying? I love it when a real man-about-town compliments me on my hats. Nothing tickles me more!

    Good finds :)

    But there was some weird stuff going on back then. . .

  4. "I VEAL so happy...."these are all so great!
