Sunday, August 29, 2010

rough day

Today I had to Kira and Riley to church, and it was not all that successful. I woke up late but managed to get myself and Riley ready, and Kira all dressed, and we were on the road in time...but about halfway there I realized I left the diaper bag @ home. When you have a six month old, you kind of can't be "out there" without your essentials-diapers, wipes & bottles. Especially if said six month old is teething and really hates having a wet dipe. So I kept going and hoped for the best. The last time I brought her to church she was perfect and fell asleep as soon as the service started. This time I didn't get so lucky. I only got to stay for a bit of the service because she really started fussing and crying. She was wet and hungry, what can ya do. Stuff like this has to happen so you learn what to do in the future. Or what NOT to do.

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